Lumen Login - Login to the Lumen AXSIS portal to manage your classroom. Click here for
Instructor Help Documents. Click here for other Support Documents. Renaissance Place - STAR Reading, Accelerated Reader and Math Facts in a Flash have moved to the web! Click the Renaissance Place link in the menu at right or from the Student Resources section of the main menu at the left. Usernames for Elementary and Middle school students are: first four letters of last name + four-digit Lumen ID. Teachers will give students their passwords.
HSD Ed Tech - Instructional Technology Coordinator, Janee Brumfield, brings together best practices, innovation, great ideas, and resources for integrating technology into the curriculum.
Google Apps for Education - Google Apps for Education provides a collaborative space for you and your students share documents, post on classroom blogs, and lots of other exciting functions! Click here to login to Google Apps for teachers.
NWEA MAP and Skills Navigator Login
Framework for Teaching Evaluation
Remind - Use Loop to communicate with parents in a secure, simple and manageable environment.
Resource Scheduling Calendars - School Computer Labs and Media Centers can be scheduled by faculty and staff. Click here for Resource Scheduling Help